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Old 05-22-2011, 08:39 PM   #1
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Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: Summit, MS
Posts: 56
79 electrical issues

Got a 79 that was running good. originally a six but swapped a 350 several years ago. all of the sudden I have nothing when you turn the key. headlights would not come. dead as it coupld be. battery tested at 12 volts. I jiggled wires and checked all connections. I waited a few minutes and tried again. This time I had headlights and it did crank. Pullled it under the shed and killed it and cranked it 5-6 times. Went back about 1 hour later and dead again. Battery still shows 12 volts, but no lights, nothing at the key. I checked the ground to the battery and it is still tight to the motor and Battery terminal.

What to look for next?
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