The problem with a distributor machine setup is how do you determine the correct advance to use to set the distributor to. Every engine will be somewhat different even within the stock engine category. When you throw in a bunch of different components together thing get even more complicated. I've tried to condense the information down somewhat in the FAQ section at this link . Although this is a little time consuming to accomplish I think the information and the results will be well worth the effort. I need to get my tachometer hooked up on my truck so I can install the correct curve in my HEI. I did previously perform this on my 71 Vette with a 454 and was very happy with the results.
Now, if I just had a dyno machine to verify that the curve is optimum for the particular engine!
Strange you should mention that because the book also has a test for a road dynamometer accurate to 2%. Without the use of an elaborate dyno machine. So this stuff is right up the backyard mechanics alley. It's been a while since I've reviewed this book. It's been on my shelf for many years and I forgot how useful it could be.
Have fun,