I think that preety much it is accepted as common knowledge by virtue of all the ink that has been printed that a small block engine likes the 34-36 degrees of timing,seems that every article that it's written supports that after testing at the dyno and the strip.What I allways wonder about is the fact that all these articles are focused on hot street engines destined to be installed on camaros ,novas,etc. and will see duty on both street and strip.Since that's the intended purpose of said engine the builders or tuners tend to want their timing to be all in as soon as possible or just a little late for the sake of street manners.I have yet to see one article on a strictly street driven but yet performance oriented engine that will never see the strip.Taken our trucks as an example we are dealing with a heavy vehicle, some are 3/4 tons with tall tires and towing capabilities.It is MY OPINION that on this truck and following the general knowledge I would want the 34-36 degrees of total timing but I THINK that it will be beneficial to have it all come in a tad later,say at 3200-3600 RPM in order to take advantage of maybe not a quick but steadily strong torque curve.I don't have any data to support this tought process just my thinking on the matter,yet I would like to find out what others think or if this makes sense at all.I think before it is all over this will be a great thread to reference to in the future,thanks for posting Don.HF