Thread: 72 Blazer
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Old 05-25-2011, 10:51 AM   #11
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Re: 72 Blazer

Thanks guys! I am alos going to replace the body bushings which may be al the problem is as far as the lean. The current lift is a basic spring over using the factory springs w a 3'' piece of I' beam cut to fit on top of the axle as a block. It works fine but its not that smooth going down the road which may be my springs. I have talked to a local shop that does lifts and he said he would go w a 4'' lift (would sit about an inch higher) and get the axels back on the top of the springs. he said its afer and most importantly it would ride better. also I would need no block n the rear the lift would be all springs. It is pretty nice Blazer. It is at 110,000 original miles on all original running gear right now.Its had one paint job about 3yrs ago and this make shift lift, and some modern front buckets(still have the originals), other than that all original.

That Nomad would be worth about 60K but thats if it were for sale, lol
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