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Old 05-26-2011, 06:34 PM   #1
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Posts: 285
Got my winch mounted : )

Well my blazer now has a new to it tabor 9000# winch. this was a winch from my old truck and I finally had a couple good shop students worthy of the project in the welding shy original Idea was to mount it underneath, but I lost to much ground clearance with it, so it went up front. I am pretty certain that before next fall the control box will be moved under the hood, but with Moab this weekend on its way there just is not enough time...

I was worried it would look real bulky up front, but it turned out nice. there are three bolts on each side holding the bumper to the frame and the majority of the frame has been reinforced with extra plate. So tell me what you think. the mounting plate was originally for a Cj7, but since it was sitting aroound the shop collecting dust it was used instead of creating a whole new plate. Now I need to add some lights.

What do you think? Does it look good? I am happy with it...

Now a few more minor things, like my new tires on it and we are off to Moab. I will also have my jeep...
Confidence is the feeling we have before we fully comprehend the situation
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