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Old 05-26-2011, 10:34 PM   #15
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Re: Goofy trans/gear combo?

I've monkeyed with gear ratios for 40 years. The problem is that the engine is too low on the torque curve, and the truck is shaped like a barn door. If you can sneak up on a cruising speed and maintain a steady throttle foot you can get repectable mileage on a smooth flat road. But if you have to change the throttle for any reason, the mileage goes away.

A long time ago I went from a 3 speed with a 3.70 rear gear to a 3 speed + overdrive and a 3.55 gear. Top speed stayed the same, mileage stayed the same and the acceleration was noticably worse. Changed the gear back to 3.70 with overdrive, mileage increased, top speed increased and the acceleration came back. All this in a 'jacked up' 55 Chevy.

I now have Crew Cab with a quick change. We'll see if a 454 likes the 3.65 I have in it now or ????? It won't fry the tires like the 4.56 did but i can always put in my 8.30s if I want to do that.
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