Thread: 72 Blazer
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Old 05-27-2011, 02:38 AM   #25
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Re: 72 Blazer

My 2 cents...Take what ya like and leave the rest.

Deavers or Alcan for custom made springs.
Skyjacker Softrides for ready made.
Springs @ all four corners.
Steering Stabilizer
ORD Greaseable Bolt/Shackles
Rubber Body Mounts
Bilstein Shocks

I just lifted mine using a set 4" Skyjacker Softride springs, It rides better than it did stock...and is pretty comfortable ..I'm happy with them. (I got them at cost so went that route). I'd go with custom springs if you can wait the 3-5 weeks though. I changed my shocks to Bilsteins and love them, Replaced old worn out body mounts to Rubber Body Mounts (I had the same lean as you have and swaping the mounts and springs corrected it). I'm going to put the ORD Greaseable Bolt/Shackles in soon as well. I'm running 33" x 12.5" x 15 MTZ's
'71 K/5 CST Work in progress...In Sicily, women are more dangerous than shotguns.

Last edited by bigeasycigars; 05-27-2011 at 02:40 AM.
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