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Old 05-27-2011, 10:22 PM   #14
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Re: Camaro subframe: Pros and cons

Personally I like the 78-88 Monte Carlo (all g-body cutless, gran prix etc.) clip better than the camaro or firebird due to the track width is not as wide as the camaro and firebirds (check out Kid's build I believe he used a grand prix).
Here are links to his threads

Both the camaro and the g-body clip ride nice I just like the fit of the Monte Carlo (g-body) a little better if I was going the clip route.

Also the early novas fit nice I recently had to repair a botched job on one. Here is a pic of the 70 Nova clip.

I did not go in to aftermarket kits because it seems you are leaning towards doing a clip. So I tried to stick to the question that was asked but like others said they are easier to install and work great if you decide to go that route.

Last edited by Kabwe; 05-31-2011 at 08:29 PM.
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