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Old 05-27-2011, 11:03 PM   #1
66 lwb cs
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HO52 rear end education

OK I did the search thing and I know that somewhere I saw some stuff about the HO52 rear end being a bad rear end to use but I can't find out why I even did a search on google and some liked the rear end so if someone could point me to the link or educate me on what's bad about the rear end. I think I understand that most had steep gears so is it not possible to change to a less steep gear in them also can they be switched over to 5 lug and can they accept a disc brake conversion? Any answers and education would be appreciated. Sorry if this was covered somewhere but I couldn't find it so don't beat me up too bad thanks. Also the truck I am buying the owner says it has the Heavy duty rear end in it complete with overload springs what rear end would that be a Dana or the HO52? He is my father in law and the origianl owner but just knows it's the heavy duty rear. It is a 3/4 ton camper special long bed if that helps with the 327/TH400. Thanks in advance.
66 C20 LWB CS 327/TH400 A/C

Last edited by 66 lwb cs; 05-27-2011 at 11:05 PM.
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