Thread: Torchered
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Old 05-29-2011, 09:05 PM   #98
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Re: Torchered

I ponder things alot. The color of the truck is one of the hardest desicions I will have to make. Here are my color choices:

Dark red or Burgandy
Dark Metalic Grey

The company Logo is compromised of Black, Silver, and Burgandy with the colors changing depending upon the color of the vehicle it is placed. Comonly vehicles are painted White or Burgandy.

Here are todays top five:
1. White, silver flake stripe down side outlined with a dark red pinstripe and a dark red black interior. Burgandy Engine bay and under hood
2. Medium Metalic Grey with same effects as above
3. Two tone Grey on top and Dark red on the side, interior undecided
4. Burgandy, interior black or tan
5. Yea its a short list

This pic is close to the Grey/Red combo Im considering.
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69 C10 "Torchered"

RC Crawler Nut

Last edited by RustenPaines; 05-29-2011 at 09:07 PM.
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