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Old 05-30-2011, 08:36 PM   #8
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Re: Anybody running SBC with 3 dueces?

Originally Posted by mbgmike View Post
I would return it if its bad. I know Aeroquip and Earls make a 3 way Y style block. Moon,Mr gasket also make straight blocks but I can't see how Edelbrocks would be much different. must have gotten a bad one? Try that site that was mentioned above.
The block having a problem is what I am thinking and that is why I thought I would see what other members were using and changing the whole thing. I like the looks of some of them on the vintage speed web site. Mike do you guys offer a kit that has the block and the lines?

Originally Posted by PanelDeland View Post
Look inside the fuel block outlet holes.It may be that they are for a flare of a different type than you are using.Flare fittings are kind of finiky that way.
The block has pipe thread holes in it so I have to put adapters in it to the flare fittings. That is what I am fighting is the seal between the adapters and the block and the lines to the adapters. Once I get one to stop another one is leaking. If I could find a block with the flares in it that would cut my connections in half.

Here is a picture of what I have now. I had solid lines from the block to the carbs and thought they might be in a bind so I cut them and placed sections of rubber hose. Looks horrible but if I can get it to work then I can be driving the truck while I find something better. I resealed everything with pipe paste and letting it sit and dry for now. I am going to try it tomorrow night. If it still leaks I am going to reinstall the cheap chrome block I have and see what it does.

Thanks for all the advice and help everyone.
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Note: All parts I have for sale are also for sale locally.

I currently own: 1940 Chevy Fire truck (project), 1946 Chevy truck (project), 1946 Chevy 1 Ton pick up, 1953 Chevy school bus (storage area), 1968 Chevy C10 (I have drove for 26 years), 1994 Chevy C2500 (daily driver), 2005 GMC crew cab K2500 (parts hauler) and more trucks for parts.
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