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Old 06-01-2011, 12:20 AM   #8
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Re: Looking for a 9 inch donor vehicle

I got my axle out of a buddys dirt car that had only a couple of runs before they changed the rules in his class to allow a full open rear end. It is a currie axle that is 60 wms to wms. I have read that 60 to 62 inch wms to wms is optimal. I found a posi third member under a bronco but with the horse power you are after a aftermarket third member would probably be the better choice. Speedway sells a lot of dirt car stuff with different third member offsets and bearing types, and 56" might be a flange to flange measurement. Call them or Currie enterprises to get the best advice, another friend of mine ordered the wrong housing off the website. oops.
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