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Old 07-27-2003, 02:47 AM   #12
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no ,, but i will tell you that where the back of the cab meets the roof seam ,, well that part of the cab was almost touching the middle stake pocket in the bed,, the hood had an indention of the aircleaner ,, the bed was twisted bad enough it was off the frame in the air at the rear over a foot and a half, and yes. unfortunatley the wife was killed in the accident due to her husbands ignorance . after the state police got done searching over the truck for any deffects i looked over it,, i actually had a county police officer that was there with me on the scene of the accident tell me that there was absolutley nothing wrong with the truck ,,i went over it completeley myself to make sure ,, nothing was busted or seperated,, it all stayed together like a tank, the only thing that busted was a lift block in the rear was cracked but it never moved ,, it just cracked ,, and when the truck initially nosed into the ditch it cause the steering rod to rip when it folded the front end,, there were apparently problems going on inside the cab of the truck moments before the accident,, nothing to do with the truck it was problems with the people inside the truck ,, the local authorities believe that they were in an argument because the woman actually worked with my wife at a local restaurant and she had told the manager that she didnt want any weekends off because her and her husband hadnt been getting along,,, and when i was talking to the sherrif at the scene he showed me several guns that werte in the truck ,, loaded and not in cases,, they were just laying in the seat,, and that is actually one of the biggest laws you can break in the state of illinois,, i have almost 3 hoursof video tape of this truck ,, some of me driving it through a huge mudpit behind our house,, some of me doing some pretty impressive burnouts,, i think there might also be one in there of me racing the truck ,, umm there is about half an hour of 2 winters ago it was the worst snow we got all winter and my wife was stuck in town ,, i have video of the drive home and it is really pretty with the glow of the tach and the gauge cluster,, the KC'S shinging on 4 foot snow drifts and the sound of a healthy big block rubling through 3 inch flowmasters ,, it is a really neat tape,, that is were the only pictures of the truck after the wreck are,, i actually put bits and peices of that film to one of my favorite bands llynrd skynrd's tuesdays gone,, and at the very end of the song it shows the truck at the wrecking yard,, it brings tears to my eyes everytime i see it,, now please dont take me wrong here, i know the story is horrible with what happened and all and dont htink that i am being ignorant by missing this truck so much when a person died in it,, it was not my fault ,, and it was nothing to do with the truck,, her husband was not using common sence and saddly his wife paid the ultimate price for his ignorance,, took me a while to realize that, i thought it was somthing to do with my putting the truck together ,, but that had nothing to do with it,, it is extremely sad that an inocent person had to lose theyre life because of someonelses stupidity ,, but it happens everyday and will continue to happen,,,
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