06-02-2011, 09:56 PM
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Join Date: Feb 2001
Location: New Madison, Ohio
Posts: 21,377
Re: Lets see your rare NOS Parts...
Originally Posted by mrein3
Around 1984 or so I became old enough to earn a wage. I started working with my older brother at a local greenhouse. When the salt went away that spring I pulled up in my 1972 Chevelle. My boss, the owner of the place sees the car, runs up, and starts tapping on the fenders behind the wheels - for you desert guys that is where these cars rusted out first here in the rust belt.
He sees how solid they are and says,
I said what do you mean, Dang?!? Those fenders are solid. He says,
"I have a replacement fender in the basement and sold the car years ago. I'd let it go for $75".
Since I was 16 and didn't have a pot to pee in and didn't know there are people out there who like to decorate their storage facilities with NOS parts still in their GM boxes I just said sorry, I don't need it.
Around 1989 or 1990 I was no longer working there but had a bit more money in my pocket and picked up a 71 Chevelle convertible. It needed that fender. I drove out there and asked if he had it and how much.
He said he did and how much did he ask for the first time.
I said $75. He said $75 is it then.
Long story short I got a NOS LF fender for a 1971/1972 Chevelle for $75. Unlike you guys that like to keep this stuff for some reason and not use it I took it out of the box, bolted it on the car, and threw the box away. The only pictures I have of it are with it covered in Mulsanne Blue - in my opinion the best looking color the general ever put on a Chevelle.
We need to realize this is a hobby and a business for many of us. NOS is always something that can be sold or used for trade bait. I have have two NOS GM CB radios. Do I neeed two...No but if in the future I want to sell or use it for trade I can. I would venture to say the NOS purchased off this site is less $$$ than ebay. NOS is also an investment for some parts while other parts it's not. So I understand why people collect, sale, and trade NOS parts.
A husband can be right...or...A husband can be happy.
67-72 Chevy and GMC Trucks...The Classic Truck for the Classic Folk.
1970 CST Two tone green, 402BB, 400 Automatic, Tach, Buckets, AC, AM-FM, Tilt, GM CB, GM 8 Tract, LWB, etc 
JOHN 17:3...The better side of "LIFE"
Remember: Everyday is a good day...Some are just gooder!
Last edited by 70cst; 06-02-2011 at 09:58 PM.