Thread: sm465 to Nv4500
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Old 06-02-2011, 10:15 PM   #5
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Re: sm465 to Nv4500

I had a truck with a n4500 with a 205 transfercase. when I got the truck they had a piece of mud flap and towel wraped around the 2 shifters. The trans shifter and the 205 shifter were almost side by side, infact the hole for the trans and transfercase were not divided. I used a shifter boot out of a 95 chevy truck with a nv4500 and the stock 205 shifter boot. I had to do a little fabing and conect the 2 boots together at the mounting rings, its been a long while back can't seem to remember why I didn't weld a strip between the 2 shifter holes. I didn't cut the hole for the nv 4500 so I don't know if a strip of floorboard between the two shifters could have been saved. The transfercase shifter location remained in the same location as stock.
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