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Old 06-02-2011, 10:56 PM   #1
Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: HOUSTON,TX
Posts: 64
Bad Holley Corrosion

Here is some info the someone may find usefull. I bought a holley 670 for my truck and ran perfect for about 5 months, then it would not idle right and it would bogg down when i would put my foot in it. My truck has a new tank, new fuel lines, two filters, so i took the front fuel bowl off and dicovered some bad corrosion, white flakey stuff. So i called holley tech line told them the deal, they asked for the date code on the airhorn, turns out for that date they had some bad castings the guy gave an address and a att: To name and said send it back to them and they will send me a new one. Not bad just got it in the mail today. So if anybody has the same problem call holley tech support @ 270-781-9741 the date code on mine is 1596 i think the last digit is the year. Hope this helps someome.
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