Originally Posted by willstruck
So, my truck was kicking down a gear going up hill kinda early in my opinion. Put in a 2" carb spacer, now it kicks down with hardly any pressure on the accelerator. So, I looked up the procedure for adjusting the tv cable, but couldn't find what tab you pull out before you open the throttle. Nothing I found online made sense with what I had going on. This morning, I was going up a hill, it kept kicking down a gear, and shifting back up. Figured if I floored it, at least it would stay in the lower gear and make it up the hill. Just kept dropping down, and shifting back up. Any tips on adjusting this?
ever owned a bicycle? ever had to adjust the brake cable? same concept im sure. never adjusted one before, just follow the cable down to the transmission and take a look see.... but dont drive that truck without the trans cable connected. it will not supply adequate hydraulic pressure and can torch a transmission... adjust the linkage before you either blow it up from popping around the gears at high speeds or not connecting the cable and smoking a tranny.....