Thread: Tach Help
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Old 06-04-2011, 05:36 PM   #2
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Re: Tach Help

if you are willing to tear into the dash and pull the gauges out than you could look on the back of the tach and it will tell you where the wires are supposed to go and you could run new wires but to me it sounds like either your ground is disconnected or that you have a short in the ignition wire...
62 GMC swb fleetside~ project: still undecided
84 Chevy 4wd crew cab 8 inch lift and 37" goodyear h1 pulloffs, still rockin the old mans former plate 2LO4ME
65 chevy 1 ton panel~ bagged/bodied duramax plans slowly in progress...
02 Silverado cclb duramax~ sas'd "bro" truck with more rust than imagineable...
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