Let's see pics of paintjobs done yourself...
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06-04-2011, 09:17 PM
Senior Enthusiast
Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: Spokane Valley, WA
Posts: 8,356
Re: Let's see pics of paintjobs done yourself...
Here are a few before and after shots of some other cars I’ve owned and painted over the years:
This was my high school car. The black paint job was my first. It turned out pretty nice but had a run on the front of the hood. The Bel Air windshield was my first glass installation.
I bought this 50 Plymouth right after Vietnam, and converted it into a 1949 and painted it a putrid grass green color with Standard Brands synthetic enamel (it was suppose to be Mustang Twilight Turquoise). The after photo is a Polaroid and doesn’t look near as horrible as the color did in real life. I wanted to paint it black but my ex-wife insisted on turquoise:
This was 54 Chevy #5, my last. It was an original owner car in cherry condition. The day I was in the hospital having back surgery my drunk brother in law smashed in the door which I promptly replaced a week after getting out of the hospital:
This 67 Chevelle was a California government car that ended up with a 350, 4 speed, 12 bolt rear end, and Jaguar XJ12L leather interior. The paint was catalyzed black acrylic enamel. I no longer remember the brand of paint.
And this 46 Ford was our last ride before purchasing our 1960 GMC. It had been a parts car for a restorer, but came back to life strong enough to serve us for 8 years covering 300,000 miles:
Last edited by markeb01; 06-04-2011 at
09:19 PM
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