Thread: ol'yeller
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Old 06-04-2011, 10:35 PM   #3
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Re: ol'yeller forward to last fall, a deal was struck with a body shop (a real good one) and plans are made for "ol'blue" to spend the winter... 'at the spa'... the plan is that between work, the truck will start its transformation. The theory is that it should be out "late spring" and that the fun will continue!!
I know that there are numerous stories here about body men...
this is not one of them!

during tear down the frist thing we found is that the wiring harness was completly trashed. 4 joints between the firewall and the drivers side headlight meant that the re-wiring was moved onto the 'have to' part of "the list"
additional issues were found related to work that was either done poorly, covered up, or left undone completely...
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