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Old 06-05-2011, 08:05 PM   #97
Chris Guthro
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Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: Antigonish Nova Scotia
Posts: 213
Re: 383 Stroker Vs. 454 Big Block

Originally Posted by 92GMCDriver View Post
Dont know if anyone has mentioned a 400 small block yet, but personally if i was going to get a stroker small block thats what i would do, if i remember correctly a friend of mine stroked his out to 434 cubes and dropped it in his early 80's vette and that thing will walk all over big blocks all day. he has a good weight advantage but im sure that same motor in a truck would almost do the same. my friends father also raced IMCA modified cars for a few years and always went with 400 sbc motors even when 383 strokers were all the rage. hes got an 84 swb with a 400 in it running a comp 280h cam, flat tops, high rise intake, balanced rotating assembly, full rollers rockers, and a set of heads off an older vette and that truck makes over 400 horse with the stock quadrajet, it would do better with a bigger carb but hes happy with how it is now, the damn thing struggles to get traction passing cars on the highway!
[QUOTE=Chris Guthro;4717450]i say 406! go look around for a good 400 core and your already ahead of the game

Yea Ive said that before, im searching my local for sale ads looking for a block
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