Thread: tuning my 350
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Old 06-06-2011, 04:58 AM   #13
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Re: tuning my 350

Originally Posted by BamaDave View Post
So this morning I tinkered with it again. The plugs were fairly new, couple months old, with little to no mileage.(Truck is a project) So after messing with it over two mornings for a total time of about 4 hrs., the plugs are fouled. No fuel or oil or anything wet, just complete black carbon. I will have to clean them up to start again. I also found a vac leak on one of the rubber caps that came from the factory on the carb, one that is at the base of the carb right on top of the intake. Also checked my timing, put white out on the indicator on the balancer. Timing was waaayyy advanced but running without any pinging or other problems. Do I need to pull the vac advance loose to check the timing?
Iell black carbon is generally lean condition mixed with oil burning, i forgot to add, coolant will burn the eyes and nose esp when it his the cat converter..

Id play with your timing, does ur truck still have points? if so go hei, it sounds like shes missing and dragging a dead cylinder. due to foul.

THE OBVIOUS: wrong plugs... dont use autolites, just dont. get a ac delco, cheap and reliable... the guys at napa should know, call 2 stores ask for same thing and compair part numbers....

check the timing, (remember, connect +&- from gun to batt, wire clip on number 1 cylinder)
From there, well we'll see lol take a pic of #1 and #5 plugs if u can. I wanna see.....
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