Re: 1971 suburban 4x4 resurection help needed,smoke from valve cover.
i adjusted the valves because the PO did absolutly no maintenance, when i pulled the valve cover to replace the valve cover gasket there was about a inch of sludge over everything! so i cleaned it up real good ,adjusted the valves since all were so loose i could wiggle them all easy. i had it running before i looked under the valve cover (should have checked there first)so after all this i replaced the pcv valve and almost everything else under the hood . changed oil and oil pump etc..then added some marvel mystery oil to hopefully clean and loosen up any remaining sludge. im about to pull the cover again to readjust the valves to 3/4 turn since the valves are not seating tight enough im hoping this is the cause of the smoking from the valve cover but could also be the sludge since there is some sludge in the cover again by the oil cap.... any help is appreciated , thanks!