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Old 06-06-2011, 05:34 PM   #1
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Location: Preston, WA
Posts: 4
Unhappy I hate Windows 88 S10 Blazer

Ok so i have been messing with my passenger window for quite some time now.. Went and got a new regulator and new motor+ new switch... got everything installed, it works however it will only go down.. and only from the passenger switch on the drivers side control. So thinking it might be the wiring, pull the little plastic clip apart that the switch plus into (on the passenger side) but i was stupid and did not look at the wires before i did this.. Anyone have a clue at which order the wires go back into the clip or any other suggestions on getting the window to work? the wire colors are: blue, blu/white, red, tan, grey. Any help would be awesome. Oh yes and i discovered the regulator acts like a bear trap when removing the motor without disengaging the spring first :p glad to still have my fingers.
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