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Old 06-06-2011, 08:32 PM   #1
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Location: West Sacramento, CA
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Memphis/MB Quart/German Maestro install in 67

Finally picked up my baby from the stereo shop...need to tune it to my liking but over all VERY happy with it! I'm not 100% on the cup/eq holder but I dont have room for it in the dash. I plan to put vintage air controls where the old controls were so it'll have to do for now.

Pioneer 7" In Dash
Memphis 1.1200 Amp to the Subs
Memphis 4.480 Amp to Mids/Highs
Memphis EQP4
2-10" Think Mount Subs
6.5" MB Quarts in front
4" German Maestro in rear
Stinger Blocks/Wires

Got the driveline in last night and engine cranked....just got to get the fan wired in, steering column wired up, and steering shaft rewelded and I'll be ROLLIN for Scrapin the Coast!!

If your in the market for mids/highs, I STRONGLY suggest the German Maestros (Old MB Quarts). They sound amazing!! The Thin Mount Memphis sound good but there is a sound difference in a regular sub and a Thin/Slim Mount. Hard to explain....but shoot, come out to STC and you can see for yourself!
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