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Old 06-06-2011, 11:55 PM   #1
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Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Spokane WA
Posts: 198
Salvage Yard Experience - $35 find

Took a trip to Spokane this weekend; about a 2.5 hour drive. Thought while I was out there I would stop by a couple wrecking yards and grab some parts. Spokane is a pretty large town with several hard could it be. Got on the phone prior to leaving, called 5 different yards with no results. They had no 71/72 C10s. I couldnt believe it. Is this normal?

Called a local wrecking yard and they had 3! He said, if you want parts you better get it today because we're crushing them this week. Talked to the owner for awhile about the scarcity of the trucks. He told me that the trucks he has, he got a year ago and hasnt seen any since. Its become a rarity.

When I got to the yard, there wasnt much left of the C10s. I pulled a set of lap belts, some control knobs and a break booster for $35. Not sure if the booster works, we'll see. Took me a couple hours to clean it up. If it tests good, I'll clean it up a little better and black it out. For those of you that have never pulled those lap belts from a old pickup, be ready for a fight. Those bolts dont come out easy.

Now Im finding myself patrolling for trucks around town.
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