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Old 06-07-2011, 10:03 PM   #5
I know the pieces fit
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Re: Dash prep for paint

I bought a military Blazer, those soldiers rode it hard, so I had nothing to lose trying the SEM interior paints on that truck. I've had really great success on that truck so much so that I'm going to do the same stuff on my 79 2wd K5. I didn't do too much prep, just the basics without buying the two and three step "special prep wundermagic" products. It's military, I went cheap. I sprayed the vinyl parts down with purple degreaser and let it sit a few minutes before scrubbing down very well with a pretty coarse nylon cleaning brush with a hose to rinse clean. That's all the prep I did, after that I let them dry in the sun then gave them several good coats of the SEM vinyl dye. Works great. CarQuest carries it, no need to order online.

79 2wd Blazer (Bruiser)
85 M1009 Blazer (Sarge) build
74 Honda Z50 build
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