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Old 06-08-2011, 10:50 PM   #1
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Taking a body lift off. Need assistance

I just picked up an 83 Scottsdale in beautiful shape. I've been putting the trim and stuff on it as it didnt have anything on it when I got it. No grill, tailights, windows etc. because it was just painted inside and out.

Well, it has a 3 or 4 inch body lift on it and I want to get rid of it. It looks cool but it has negative effects. One being the radiator.
They put an aluminum radiator out of something else and wired a crappy electric fan on it because the original one with the fan and shroud no longer fit due to the body being higher than the motor.

Anyways, how do I go about taking it off?
The bed is easy but the cab and front end is where it gets tricky in my mind.
Do I jack up the cab and front end and take the spacers out and have to lower all the jacks at once or will one jack work lifting and lowering one side at a time?

Im afraid Im gonna break scratch or bend something and then Im gonna have a fit and burn it to the ground in my driveway.

Here are a couple pics. Sorry I took them with my camera phone.
And here is a vid of the new exhaust and a better look at the truck.
Attached Images
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