Originally Posted by colin_havens
Those old school plexi switch boxes are HUGE! And unless you are "dancing" your truck, totally unnecessary. If it were me, i would pick up one of THESE. They have 7 rocker switches: 4 for indivual corner up/down, 1 front up/down, 1 rear up/down, and one int the middle for ALL up/down. They are alot smaller too, so you wont have this huge box sitting in your lap while driving and hitting the switches. I particulary think this one really fits your truck:
They offer the same thing in a 9 switch which adds side to side switches, and a keyed lockout on the switchbox to keep prying hands from messing with your truck.
OOOOOO i like that MUCH better than this brick! I was only planning on using 5 switches mounted in the dash somewhere but that box looks nice.