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Old 06-10-2011, 03:30 PM   #14
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Re: Aftermarket tach mounting

Originally Posted by Clos'84TX View Post
I have often thought about mounting LED lights behind the bezel with the gauges. In a way that you can't see the actual light but can see the lighting effect..

Has anyone done this?
if you mean my tach, then the bulb in the tach is teh standard that came with the tach and in my case can not be replaced, because it is soldered in by the manufacturer. I tried to open up the tach, but I could only get the lens and faceplate of, but not the tach out of the house. It seemed glued to the back and I didnt want to damage it.

I backlit my dash like this, here are some pics. I chose soft white SMD's in stead the bright white people usually go for, because this is more authentic to the car and is not white but also not yellow, but really nice on your eyes at night

follow this link to my build and you can see the pics.
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