Here's this one...I seen it in person about 5 years ago-literally a show quality paint finish that was sold @ a small town estate auction...went for sumthin like $1500 bucks and has been at a couple of small car lots around town over the last few years. It has grey interior, 350 Goodwrench motor, rebuilt trans, suspension, 100% redone by the original owner before it got sold at an estate. Not sure how it's held up but 5 years ago this truck was way too nice to be a daily driver-inside and outside was flawless. I could check it out for ya too. First time I seen it at a lot after it sold from an estate, they were asking $5500 for it. This truck had new GM weatherstrip seals, fenders, hood, etc. when it was painted several years ago. I was painting an 84 Monte in my shop when my friend showed up with his buddy who bought this for $1500-he later traded it in at a car lot. It's been priced kinda high ever since so not sure of the shape now....might be worth getting...?'s a 1/2-ton 2WD truck.