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Old 06-12-2011, 01:22 AM   #7
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Re: brake problems help

I had this problem, in fact the front brakes locked up on me. The cause was that when you take your foot off the brake peddle the front brakes don't release completely and every time you apply the brakes the pressure builds till the front brakes lockup. If you remove the rubber stop bushing that the brake peddle hits near the bottom of the dash and the peddle moves just a little forward then this could be your problem. In my case it was the small rod between the power boster and the master cylinder was too long. I corrected the problem by filling down 1/16" the rod and rebleeding the front brakes. I would also check the length of the the rod from the power boster to the brake peddle, if this is not adjusted to the right length this could also cause this problem. I would check with the person who sold you the power boster to see if anyone else had simular problems. Again I woud first check the length of the rod from the power boster to the brake peddle is adjusted properly.
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