We put on the heads and were stopped suddenly when we realized that the new Cam I received was broke in half

dangit!!! It sure did slow things down a bit. We stopped there and I have to send it back to Jegs. On the other hand I was thoroughly impressed with Jegs customer service. They said they would send me prepaid shipping tags on Monday and and I would not have to pay for the return shipping as well.
My buddy said it would be a good idea to get some new pushrods
http://www.jegs.com/i/Proform/778/66890C/10002/-1 , a lock plate kit
http://www.jegs.com/i/JEGS+Performan...20305/10002/-1 , and cam button
http://www.jegs.com/i/JEGS+Performan...20390/10002/-1 as well. So these are on the way.
Here are my shop cleaned oil pan and timing chain cover. We are going to paint them, but we did a quick mockup of the timing chain cover with a gray color my buddy had lying around and the edelbrock performer manifold. I'm still deciding whether I should paint the oil pan and timing chain cover orange like the block, use the gray finish in the mockup, or go with some chrome... Any thoughts????