Originally Posted by AusTx68
I've run without a thermostat thru many Texas summers without any problems (not in my current truck). If I were to put in a 180 t-stat it would just stay open once the motor warmed. It would be equal to not having one. My current truck has a 160 t-stat but it never sees that temp in the summer. In the winter it stays at 160. Winter without the t-stat would drop temps down to 150.
Yes and no. A 160° stat will more than likely run wide open all of the time here in Texas but a 180-195 may not. The thermostat will open and close slightly to allow the coolant more time to transfer heat in the radiator.
Here in Texas we've been accustomed to run as cool as possible for obvious reasons, but according to the experts the engine is more efficient and will last longer in the recommended temperature.