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Old 06-13-2011, 05:41 PM   #8
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Re: Frame painting questions.

one other note.. get some of the pour spouts from KBs or use a coffee can scoop to get the paint out of the can. Don't let it sit in the groove of the can or the lid will not close well. I use a piece of cling wrap between the lid and the can when I close it and put the can in a ziplock plastic bag. If it isn't sealed tight and you store it for a while you might end up with an expensive solid lump.
RustBullet is another product I have tried. It is very durable but I would use it for smaller parts I don't think I would paint a whole frame with it. I doesn't seem to flow as well for me. If you thin any of these companies products use their thinner... I used thinner from home depot and the moisture in the thinner messed up the process. Good luck!

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