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Old 06-13-2011, 09:41 PM   #4
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Re: Stupid wheel question

How long ago did you get them out of Alamogordo? That might be worth a half a day to me to find some.

Originally Posted by longhorn70gmc View Post
This is a good question, never hurts to ask. Yes, there are GM stamped steel rims out there for hubcaps. I think mine were made in the 70's for the square trucks, but work and look just the same. I looked for steel 16 inch for years to put hubcaps back on and maintain an original look; tires are plentiful and cheaper for the consumer. People out here just don't want to get up off them and would rather you by their fancy dancy rims as I call them. I went on detatchment to Alamagordo New Mexico and the junk yard in the middle of town has lots of them and set me up with a set for 100 buck. I had them brought back in a huge tri wall with the pack out, so now I have a set. Since then I have found two more out in the desert here. When I sell any of my trucks, I will not allow my 16's or my original 15 to go, so I can always have hubcaps on my trucks. Good luck on finding a pair for your truck. Just stay engaged on your search and they will become available.
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