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Old 06-14-2011, 10:56 AM   #22
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Re: Road Trip Checklist

Originally Posted by mdb View Post
My truck has the following stuffed behind the seat;
-tire iron, stubby wrenches and socket set
-red Tuck tape (so much better then duct tape!!!), I think the real name is Sheathing Tape
-plenty of oil
-spare belts
-spare headlight
-gallon of antifreeze
-qt. power steering, tranny, and brake fluids
-emergency kit with tow rope, candles, hot pads, collapsible shovel
-couple flashlights
-lighters, matches
-knife, axe, machete
-!!rivet gun and all sizes of rivets!! (if your chrome trim has ever come loose at highway speed you'll understand the exclamation points, mine nearly took out a cop car coming the other way)
-Most important, go to the ATM before leaving and have a few hundred dollars cash

EDIT: also have jumper cables, some hose clamps and a chunk of rad hose. Always regret not having a jerry can but for some reason never remember. I hate to stop for gas unless absolutely necessary, and have had a few close calls coming into the next station on fumes.

2ND EDIT: got 50' of 3/8" rope. Lots of this stuff I listed is something I saw on sale and said "I need that in my truck!!!"
This is the most ridiculous list of stuff to carry that I have ever seen, YET as I was reading I kept thinking... "I need that, that's a good idea, that would be useful, need one of those." Ridiculous but genius. Thank you.

On a side not, I rode my bicycle from Austin, TX to Anchorage, AK during the summer of '09. I rode the entire Old Alaskan Hwy on a bicycle. Since half of that hwy isn't paved, I prepared for everything because everything happened...
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