Thread: Door Rebuilds
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Old 06-15-2011, 07:18 AM   #5
78K & 79C Jimmys
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Re: Door Rebuilds

helpfull hints
to line up/reinstall the doors that were removed
drill a small hole or two threw the hinge and into the body(before removing)
put a nail in this when reinstalling,to line it up,as it was

the newer vents have locks
older glass is thicker
older door rods have metal clips,newer plastic,they don't interchange
put a lock popper in the door while building,if you use it then you just put the rod in
make sure all the mirror/door supports are in there(hate driving with shakey mirrors)
1978 GMCJimmy4X4-350/203
1979 GMCJimmy4X2-305/350
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