Thread: Door Rebuilds
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Old 06-15-2011, 11:12 AM   #6
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Re: Door Rebuilds

i know some may bag on them, but the Haynes manual has the step-by-step process, and it is not a bad reference. It's what i used when I swapped my internals into a door shell I got from the salvage yard.

I didn't need hinge pins, and was lucky enough to be able to leave my hinges in-place, so I didn't have much work required to re-align the door to the cab.

I struggled a bit to get the operable glass onto the regulator properly. Not sure I'm qualified to give any tips on this task, but after enough tries, finally got it to work. Had to muscle and twist the vent window assembly into place after, since that also sevres as the front track for the operable side glass. I ended up using the motion of the window to install the weatehrstrip down into the front channel, lots of cranking the window up and down, but every down stroke pushed the weatherstrip further along the channel quite nicely.

I utilized the latch and regulator that were in the door shell I had, so no experience installing either of those. Did swap over all glass, tracks, and lock. installed the weatherstrip channel obtained via JC Whitney, and it fit very well. My window never worked as well as it does now, not sure how much of that to attribute to the manual regulator itself, or the weatherstrip channel being new and soft.

I'd be happy to try and give answers if you have any specific questions, but overall the process was not that bad. Biggest struggle I had was getting the vent window assembly in after the side glass was in-place in the door. But it has to be done in that step, otherwise you cannot move the side glass enough to get in onto th regulator. I'll admit I almost gave up a couple times, but all of a sudden it just 'clicked' for me, and came together.

Wishing I would have taken the time to snap some pictures, but I was mostly concerned with getting it done. If I end up having to do the same on the other door, I will take some pictures to document better.
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