Originally Posted by hensonjd
well i have hooked it up to every different port and i cant figure out what is wrong, but after putting on this rebuilt qjet i cant even get it to idle. It sounds like it is back firing through the carb adn running all kinds of rough. I havnt unpugged or messed with any wires. All that has been tampered with is the swithing of the carb. I need some help...
Back firing through the carb is a lean fuel mixture condition. It won't idle because you have a major vacuum leak some where. Check your carb base gasket and double check that all of your lines are not cracked.
I would plug all of the ports on the carb and run the engine. If it idles, one or more of your lines are either cracked or whatever they are serving have an issue. You can check those one by one.
If it does not idle after that, I would buy a can of starting fluid and, with the engine running (might need someone to help you out if it won't idle), spray the starting fluid around the base of the carb/gasket area. If the engine revs up on it's own, there is a leak. Fix the leak and you are golden.
Also, make sure your idle/air mixture screws are both 1.5 turns out from bottom to start with. Go from there and good luck.