My factory tank rusted out from the inside

Not realy sure how, I guess water is heavier than gas?
One day I smelled gas, looked under there and sure enough a silverdollor size wet spot all by itself smellin like fuel
Anyway, I bought a dirrect replacement bolt in tank in Polyehtelane from Brothers. It looked identical too the factory tank EXCEPT the filler neck was very short. So I had to cut off the factory metal filler neck from the leaky one. Then cut my factory filler hose in half, inserted the metal peice to make the hose reach the new poly tank...worked great for a year err two then the gass leaking out the sending unit O ring whenever I would fill the tank to the top.
Eventually I got tired of that and also got tired of the 21gal capacity...sold that tank and bought a big tank from, been happy eversence..corse I modifed the install , moved it up and built a BA skidplate

