Thread: Sweet Cummins
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Old 06-23-2011, 02:34 PM   #22
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Re: Sweet Cummins

Originally Posted by DetroitDan View Post
I don't get why everyone loves the Cummins swaps. I know that in a Dodge, it's a great motor in a POS truck, but it's still not something I'd want in my Chevy. Especially the old 12 valve. Can you imagine having to listen to that? Worst sounding diesel engine out there. They sound like a noisy piece of farm equipment, you can't even make them sound good like you can a Duramax or even a 6.5.

I'd even rather have a little NA 6.2 Chevy. Won't pull near as much, but quicker than a 12 valve and a decent little motor in it's own right.
I live in a little town where every kid who got his dads hand me down dodge with a 6BT in it has cut the muffler off and they think it's the baddest thing on the road. I can see why you're ranting.

Honestly though, the ones that still have the stock muffler or a decent aftermarket still sound pretty good to me. It's a pretty good motor, if you don't let the little wannabe cowboys ruin it for you.
1977 GMC Sierra Grande
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