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Old 07-30-2003, 10:30 PM   #6
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Thanks Locutus for the info I wondered how hard it would be for myself to change it all.. Of course that kit doesn't say anything about seals..But does say the oils will mix, but that just sound right..

I did use the kit and put about 3 1/2 cans in it..And 1 of them had the uv stuff in it. Which i was told by a a/c place in town to use a black light to look for leaks..I guess i'll ask my buddies from the 60's if they have a light handy

It reached around 100 today and the cab wasn't ice cold but i wasn't sweating with the widows up. It felt around 50-60 degrees
i figure not bad for the temp outside.

As for you C.B.
Have i mentioned I have A/C
And your right it ain't that hot in my office
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