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Old 07-30-2003, 10:51 PM   #7
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Thats not bad at all for 134A, im surpised it it blowing that cold. The trouble with 134A is its ability to only cool 30 degree's off ambient tempurature. Meaning, if your cab is not air tight and the recirculation system is not closing off all outside air, its just not going to cool like it should. Also, the condensor is made for R12 and has a considerably smaller capacity than the 134A systems. Meaning it doesnt have the ability to remove the heat from the cab as fast as a R12 system would.

Check all your seals and holes in the cab, then consider adding a pusher fan to your condensor, you'll notice a difference.

Oh and you'll need a UV light to check for dye leaks. A blacklight is "ok" but UV is what sets that dye off like a becon.
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