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Old 06-25-2011, 02:02 PM   #22
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Re: Which is worth more in your opinion?

I vote 5.3l and the 4l60e. not becuase im bias or anything, but the potential to make power with less is greater, fuel mileage would be considerably greater, engine life is much greater (with everything being the same that is.) Iv had both and unless your drag racing to get the best time possible. The 300hp or so from a stock 5.3l, will do a burn out or get off of a stoplight just as well as a 400hp bb maybe even better givin the lower, 1st gear ratios in the 4L60E, and would use less fuel doing it. Then cruise at 65mph, at a nice 1500-1800rpm instread of a screaming 3200-3500 rpm. ( depending on final gear ratio of coarse.) but It all comes back to what you plan on doing with the truck. You Know its each to his own but, I know What I would Choose and have. just my .02
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