Originally Posted by Tx Firefighter
Apples to oranges here. Sure the Duramax is an awesome engine. But, the 12v Cummins takes exactly one wire to run (fuel shut off solenoid, and that's optional as it has a manual lever too). A set of Cummins injectors run well under 500 dollars. A set of injectors for a Duramax will break the bank. One is high tech and the other is stone age simple.
i fully agree and i think that the 12v cummins is a great engine but you see them in any/everything now and i dont like that, its like the cummins has its own cult following it and people are blindly following off of what someone else has led them to believe (meaning people will do the swap because someone told them its their best bet and then they suddenly become an expert and know everything about a cummins), being an engineman in the navy, part of my job is to work on ridged hull inflatable boats that have 12v cummins' in them and they break so often that i just get tired of working on them

so i dont want to have to work on those all the time then go home and have to do the same thing
plus my dad has an 82 chevy and a 64 chevy with 12v cummins motors and everytime he pulls someone out of a ditch he always gets the same question... "hey man what kind of programmer you got in that thing?" and it bugs the f**k out of me
62 GMC swb fleetside~ project: still undecided

84 Chevy 4wd crew cab 8 inch lift and 37" goodyear h1 pulloffs, still rockin the old mans former plate 2LO4ME
65 chevy 1 ton panel~ bagged/bodied duramax plans slowly in progress...
02 Silverado cclb duramax~ sas'd "bro" truck with more rust than imagineable...