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Old 06-28-2011, 03:02 AM   #1
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68 chevy stepper aKa " jackcrack"

my name is hector and me and my dad have a 68 stepper its black has a 250 and needs work still after 8 years.... it hasnt been worked for 4 1/2 years.. i have been to 3 houses and the hosue i live in now doesnt have room... so my buddy rick (67chevy1series) has his 67 and we work on it and it makes me want to work on mine, but mine spends the night at a strangers house.. he was supposed to change the engine a year and a half ago, so that went south. i will post pics as i go along, just today me and rick went to visit it. and while we were there rick said we should take the instrument bezel ut and well we did and he insistsed that he would restore the guages so i let him he did a good job. anyways heres pics
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1968 chevy swb stepside black

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