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Old 06-30-2011, 08:26 AM   #1
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hood latch! omg!

When i bought my Apache, the lady said there was a trick to getting the hood to open, after I had slammed the hood shut! lol I got the truck home and finally it Popped open. So yesterday I played with it on the workbench, and I thought I had it working ok after a few "tweaks".
I installed it, tested it down to the safety catch, opened it, then fearfully shut the hood! I could not get that hood open to save my life!!! Luckily the front grill is not in place so it's quite accessible, but even so I couldnt' get it to budge!

So I took my faithful Dremel with a cutting wheel, and mirror, cut the safety latch in the middle of it, then I got it open! What I sigh of relief! I thought I'd never see under my hood again! I'll order a new latch soon!

Only about an hour of trauma!
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