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Old 06-30-2011, 08:16 PM   #12
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Re: 72 Suburban Build

Very big of you to step out in front of the bullet for Scott's. I have always felt that anyone that works, represents, and or sells product for a business (be it a waiter at a restaurant to a sales person at a jewelery store) represents that business and is trained to be able to inform, sell, and serve the customer. Anyone that has ever worked for myself has been a representative of my business and reflects directly on my business name, positively and negatively.
I have not done business with Scott's and am by no means slamming them....just expressing honestly how I feel. If bruin d received his product and feels completely satisfied, then that is all that matters...but, all Vendors I am sure understand the power of open forum discussions as we are their target audience/customer...please keep CUSTOMER SERVICE in the forefront off all your thoughts so things do not deteriorate like this did.

Originally Posted by jon@scottshotrods View Post
no not at all actually this was said via pm to the customer yesterday. This was my mistake not Scott Hotrods and I want that to be clear, I am still some what new here at Scotts and I do not want my mishap and lack of product knowledge to reflect on Scotts since I am the one that made the mistake due to my lack of product knowledge... . I have been in the industry for 12 years primarly suspension so brake components, steering etc. I am still learning every day... I have always figured it be right to be completely honest this was not dennis's mistake or any one else but mine.
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