Re: Project: 1966 Stepside LWB
Yesterday and today, while waiting on my panels to arrive, I spent a bunch of hours sanding the interior of my cab, prepping, priming, masking, and paining. I decided that I want to get the rocker panels taken care of, then be able to put the tank and seat back in and then not have to worry about those areas for a while.
I started with the tank. I had a couple of interior colors picked out, including one that is really close to the original color. I had my wife come out to make the call and she picked the Light Drift Sand Metalic which is the closest color to the original that I could find locally.
I had called up a paint shop the day before with the correct color code to ask them if I could get some mixed up. They quoted me $70 per pint + $12 each to put this in cans for me (about 5 cans to the pint I am told). I said no thanks and headed to the auto parts store. At $6 per can for the Light Drift Sand, I will be way ahead.
Since I am still working on the floors, I am only doing the areas where I will not be disturbing. A wire brush worked wonders to show me the true extent of the rust damage, so I stayed away from those areas. I painted the rear of the cab, the roof, and most of the front window pillars. I will do the dash and the remainder when I get the rest of the metal work done.